About Me

What's actually funny is I can't draw a caricature, but I can sculpt one. I definitely rely of the skills and talents of other caricature artists to see the common facial features and expressions multiple artists pick out to emphasize in their 2D work. 

How did you get in to this?

This is probably the question I get asked the most. Like so many other people during COVID I was at home. This put a wrench is the live performances as a stand up comedian I had been doing for the prior 13 years. I had a few Disney villain masks displayed on the wall of my office that I had added some torsos to make them look "theme park like" and decided I would like a couple additional characters. On a whim I ordered some clay and paints online and just gave it a go. While the first few weren't bad I can definitely say I've gotten much better with practice. What started as a whim to add some decor to my home suddently grew when I discovered I loved to sculpt heads and paint them. ​

I never sought out to do replicas, I love exaggerating their facial features and putting my own spin on them. When people throw me a new or challenging character to caricature-ize I try to make it fun.

My goal is to make everyone smile or even laugh a little when they see one of my sculpts in person, even the scary or bloody ones! 

 Some Events & Conventions Where You Can Find Me!

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